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My Journey with Grief
Exploring Loss and Healing

Dec 23, 20243 min read
The Bittersweetness of Christmas
I've come to realise, over the years, that as difficult as Christmas may be for those who have lost a spouse or partner, it's not that...

Dec 10, 20243 min read
Music as a memory and a balm
I've come to realise that, just as every painting, every piece of pottery or glass art, and every photograph in my apartment has a memory...

Nov 24, 20242 min read
Exploring the Darkness
One aspect or "stage" of grief that I don't feel I've truly experienced yet is anger. Anger doesn't sit well with me. I have a great deal...

Sep 30, 20243 min read
You left in autumn The leaves were turning I walked down roads of orange and gold I saw your sweet smile I heard your laughter You're...

Sep 14, 20243 min read
The Art of Healing
Thank you for your patience. My finger is still not right, I refer to it as my Frankenfinger, but I need to just get on and get used to...

Jul 13, 20241 min read
Still out of commission
I'm not back because my finger is still splinted. After the initial period of time, the finger was still deformed, so I have seen an...

May 23, 20241 min read
Taking a break...
Three weeks ago, I was folding a blanket and heard a strange noise and felt a weird sensation in the pinky of my right hand. I gave...

May 17, 20243 min read
Cutting Ties and Setting Boundaries
Sometimes bereavement and grief has the unexpected, and unwelcome, occasion or comment that will make it clear that your connections with...

May 10, 20242 min read
Pollyanna, Where Are You?
When I was about 5 or 6, I remember going to the cinema to see the Disney film Pollyanna, starring Hayley Mills in the title role. I...

May 3, 20243 min read
Out of the Mouths of Babes
When we got the word about Chris' cancer returning and then, after a consultation with the oncologist and surgeon, that the cancer was...

Apr 26, 20244 min read
Feathers, Messages, and a White Deer
I recently had a conversation with someone about the signs we sometimes experience as messages from our dearly departed. My acquaintance...

Apr 19, 20244 min read
The Five (+) Stages of Grief
When the five stages of grief were first presented back in 1969 by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, it was presented in such a way that made them...

Apr 12, 20243 min read
Self-Induced Grief
Do you ever feel as if you need a release from your grief, but it just isn't coming? It feels as if you are about to burst with pent up...

Apr 5, 20243 min read
Painful Anniversaries
I am writing this just a week away from what would have been Chris' 65th birthday and it will publish the day after his birthday. I guess...

Mar 29, 20244 min read
Triggers and Glimmers
I recently learned that the term glimmer is being used as the opposite to trigger, psychologically speaking. While a trigger is defined...

Mar 22, 20245 min read
Rituals and Routines
Did you and your partner have rituals and routines? Things that happened everyday in the same way at the same time? I'm sure you did....

Mar 15, 20243 min read
Losing My Religion
First, if you are sensitive about your faith or beliefs, you may want to give this particular instalment a miss. I haven't very nice...

Mar 8, 20245 min read
The Post-Mortem Project
The funeral or memorial service is over, family has gone home, the flowers are beginning to die, you've read the sympathy cards over and...

Mar 1, 20244 min read
Grief before death
A widow's continuing journey with grief and learning to live with loss.
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